The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) in California has formed a collaborative agreement with Intelligent Transport Systems Japan (ITS Japan) aimed at further accelerating connected vehicle applications and the sharing of autonomous vehicle technology data.
The collaboration between CCTA and ITS Japan will allow members of the Japanese organization to test new technologies at the CCTA’s GoMentum Station. The former Naval Weapons Station in Concord, California, is where the CCTA leads and facilitates a collaborative partnership among multiple automobile manufacturers; original equipment manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers; communications suppliers; technology companies; researchers and academia; and public agencies and other partners, to help move toward the next generation of transportation network infrastructure.
Over the last two years, other Japanese-based entities, such as Honda, have been testing at GoMentum Station, so this latest collaborative agreement is expected to allow other companies access to the advantages of the testing facilities at the secure site.
“We can learn, advance and redefine mobility in California and beyond by collaborating with our latest international partner, ITS Japan,” explained the CCTA’s executive director, Randell Iwasaki (right). “As the managing entity for GoMentum Station, which was recently designated by USDOT as one of 10 Autonomous Vehicle Proving Grounds, we are excited to collaborate with ITS Japan.
“This partnership will facilitate sharing autonomous vehicle knowledge between California and Japan, as well as accelerate research and development of connected vehicles/autonomous vehicles through GoMentum Station’s partnerships.”
ITS Japan’s president, Hajime Amano, commented, “Since its inception, ITS Japan has been collaborating with our US counterpart and partners, as our mobility challenges are mutual and can only be met by learning from our collective research and development. Our delegation was very impressed by GoMentum Station’s achievements in the past two years, and we believe ITS Japan members can greatly benefit from testing and engaging with GoMentum Station as one of the leaders in the world of autonomous transport testing and launching this successful program.”